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Friday, August 31, 2012

66 Days Until THIS VERY CRITICAL Election Day: More Anti-Obama Slogans

31 AUG 2012

President Obama and his Admin cohorts have got to be sweating bullets after seeing the superb speeches and armada of "Young Guns" coming to the forefront during the Republican Convention !!!

Even Mitt Romney along with my hero, Clint Eastwood, even hit the proverbial "home run over the fences" with their speech presentations last night !!!

The Conservatives are now on a roll and are going to peak just at election time...

Look Out President Obama and your shifty, scurvy crew !!!

Keep the momentum going and get out the conservative voters !

We MUST win this election or "2016: The Movie" will likely come true in 4 more years of Obama !!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

69 Days Until THIS SO VERY Critical Election Day: More Anti-Obama Slogans

28 AUG 2012

Well, now the Hollywood (or should we say Holly-weird) "so-called stars" are coming out of the woodwork to spout off their hateful, anti-Republican rhetoric in their own distorted way of trying to help Mr. Obama to get re-elected.

Sad, sad... how low will they go ?

How mean and hateful can these "once was" stars get in the cause of raw, unchecked liberalism ?

Please... get all your friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances out to the polls this November...

And vote this inept President out of office and send him back to his bullet-riddled, lawless, gang-infested (but nicely "community-organized") City of  Chicago !!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

71 Days Until THIS SO VERY Critical Election Day: Anti-Obama Slogans

26 AUG 2012

The shenanigans by the Democrats continue and will only get worse and worse until the election !

More bumper sticker comments to study and think about !

We've got to get out and vote to STOP the President Obama agenda that is quickly and surely taking our America down the tubes !!!

Don't give him 4 more years to finish his relentless Destruction of Our America...
We want to remake this into the greatest free nation ever seen on this God-blessed Earth of ours !

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

76 Days Until THIS SO VERY Critical Election Day: Anti-Obama Slogans

21 AUG 2012

The Democrats are grasping at any diversion they can drag up...

today it happens to be the stupid-speaking, Missouri Rep. Akins who is their magic roadblock !

Rep. Akins is just their covering blindfold for the next few political moments...
anything to keep the American voters from looking at our real problems caused by...
or enhanced by President Obama's leadership mistakes:
the lack of jobs,
the economy,
the welfare-state,
the war,
the gas prices,
and on and on !!!

More descriptive slogans that fit to a tee !

This IS THE most crucial and important election of our lifetimes...
so, we need YOU and me to get out and vote this President into an early retirement !

Our America is depending on US for her survival !!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

77 Days Until THIS VERY Critical Election Day: Anti-Obama Slogans

20 AUG 2012

there are only 77 more days before we Americans decide the FATE of our beloved & unique country !!!

More slogans and bumper stickers to sum up the last 4 years of inaction and ineptitude this White House Gang has provided for us !

Remember in November...
"Vote A.B.O.  ...'cause he's gotta go" !

Time is running out for us to SAVE AMERICA from 4 more fatal years of the President Obama tyranny !

Go to the polls in November and "vote A.B.O.  ...'cause he's gotta go" !
(Which means vote for the Romney ticket during this election) !!!

God Bless (and Save) our U.S.A. !!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

79 Days Until THIS VERY Critical Election Day: Anti-Obama Slogans

18 AUG 2012

Since President Obama took full credit for offing Bin Laden, he lost the backing of Seal Team Six...

and then, especially losing the support of his own iconic former "Obama Girl"...

you just know he is starting to panic and get more and more desperate to hold on to his cush job !

Obama has played enough rounds of golf on our taxpayer dime...

and gone on more than enough exorbitant, world-wide "first family" vacations at our expense...

and held enough jazz, blues, and soul music concerts in the White House on our nickel...

So let's give him plenty of time after November to go do these using his own money for a CHANGE...


Friday, August 17, 2012

80 Days Till THE Critical Election Day: Anti-Obama Slogans

17 AUG 2012

As this election campaign begins to heat up... President Obama's crew starts slinging mud, telling tall tales, and playing nasty.

Here are some bumper stickers to fire right back at them !!!

The "Recession, Depression, Recovery" bumper sticker is one of the most predictably accurate comments of the bunch !

Vote early and vote to SAVE AMERICA this November... give Obama and his gang of thugs the pink-slips and walking papers they certainly earned these past 4 years !!!